..Like that of every other living creature, has one biological function - to reproduce itself & ensure the survival of its offspring. How ever, this is possible only when all the body systems work together effeciently to maintain health.
The skeletel is the framework on which the rest of the body is built. Bones also play a role in the other body systems: red & white blood cells grow & develop in fatty inner tissue known as a red marrow. The minerals stored in the bones, especially calcium, are released when the body needs them.
Most it basic function is to pump blood around the body, & a pause of more than just a few seconds will result in loss of conciousness. All body organs & tissues need a supply of oxygenated blood & removal of waste products. The delivery system can adapt swiftly to changes in demand.
The brain is the seat of both consciousness and creativity. Through the spinal cord & nerve branches , the brain also controls all body movement. The nervous system works with endocrine glands to monitor & maintain other systems.
Hormones are chemicals messengers secreted by the endocrine glands & some other organs. They circulate in the blood & other body fluids, & help the body to maintain an optimal internal enviroment. The endocrine system initiates the changes that takes place at puberty, & governs many of those that are associated with ageing, including the menopause.
The immune system defences help to provide vital protection against infectious disease & malfunctions of the internal body systems. In a healthy person, the intricate interrelationship of physical, cellular, & chemical defences can help protect against many threats. Poor general health lowers the body's resistance.