Clinical Benefits
A recent study at the Mayo Clinic found that soaking in a hot water bath gives many of the health benefits of exercise with less strainon the heart! Soaking in a hot bath increases the heart rate while it lowers blood pressure rather than raising it as does other forms of exercise.
Immersion in hot water first speeds up the heart to send blood to the surface and disperse extra body heat into the air. But after a few minutes, the warm blood causes the blood vessels to dilate, which lessen resistance to blood flow and lowers the blood pressure.
The national Sleep Foundation (NSF) believes that many cases of insomnia can be traced to hectic, stressful lifestyles. It recommends regular soaking in warm water a few hours before bed to enhance sleep quality. Studies suggest this can ease the transition into a deeper, more restful sleep. The temperature change may be a signal to the body that it is time to sleep, or the sensation of weightlessness may just be relaxing to the muscles.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine even suggests that soaking for 30 minutes each day can lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.